Local children support Walk For Water - MNH Sustainable Cabin Services
Airline Laundry Servicing Provider Walks For Water

Imagine A Life Without Clean Water!

MNH Sustainable Cabin Services provides Airline Laundry and Headset Servicing Solutions worldwide and we have supported the charity WE (formerly Free The Children) for many years.

WE is a movement that brings people together and gives them the tools to change the world and make a difference. No matter your age or where you live, we can all make a positive impact – whether that’s volunteering, fundraising or raising awareness for causes that matter.

MNH encouraged friends, family and even a local school to get involved with the WE Walk For Water Event in April.

On Friday 28th April staff at MNH's Gatwick Head Office and children from St Andrew's Primary School in Hove took part in the WE Walk For Water Event.

Ninety-six excited schoolchildren set off on a sponsored walk along the seafront. The children, all in Year 5 at St Andrew's Church of England Primary School in Hove, walked for three miles to raise money for the WE charity, which is tackling the global water crisis.They walked from King Alfred Leisure Centre to the Brighton Palace Pier and back again.

Steve Griffiths, a teacher at the school, said: “We were doing a whole topic on Africa last term, and each pupil had their own country to research and give a presentation on. When they learned about the water shortage that some African countries face, they were quite shocked."

Many of the children were wearing T-shirts depicting their country’s flag, while others had their faces painted or wore wigs!

Emma RanWalk For Water Freddiece (Director at Walk For WaterMNH), whose ten-year-old son Freddie Rance was taking part in the walk, said: “When the children learned that it was often the girls who have to walk to get water, and that they missed out on education as a result, they felt it was quite unfair. They wanted to do something to help, and it ties in with their school project as well.”

In total the MNH Head Office Team and the children from St Andrews School raised over £2,000 for the WE charity.

For more information visit The Argos or WE Walk For Water.

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